Showing posts with label abstract. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abstract. Show all posts

Saturday, October 17, 2020

What is Art?

I read that it is impossible to define art since Andy Warhol displayed Brillo Soap Boxes. It seems that anything goes. 

But art is in the mind of the artist and the eye of the observer. And thse may not be the same. I've been enticed into naming some of my work and describing it as a way to connect with the person looking. But I don't think that is right. I want you to have your own interpretation and thoughts on what you see. And one persons pleasure is another's poison. I've been to galleries and scanned the painting. Many I've just past and given a couple of seconds, others attract me and I stand and look. And the longer I look the more I see. Obvious really. And of course the paintings change as we observe and colours merge into one another. Looking at the real world, in particular a building or a beach, a lake or a field we see a plain, uninterrupted colour, maybe grey or sand, blue or green. But when we stand and look closer we see a miriad of colours mingling to reduce the blank colour we had originally seen. 

My abstract work is spontaneous. I sit and think about what I'm gong to do, group my colours together, choose a selection of brushes, palette knives or sprays and start. Sometimes I squirt the paint directly onto the canvas and work it raw, blending and mixing as I work. Other times I lay paint on a palette and lift it off onto the canvas. With these abstracts I just let my hand guide me, I guess it is my subconscious that leads the way. We can't do anything mindlessly. We must use our conscious or subconscious thoughts. Look at the painting above. Look closely then sit back and look, letting your mind wander, your subconscious mind point out colours, shapes that you'd not seen before. Write a comment and tell me what you see, I'd love to hear from you.

And here is another. Take your time. Maybe go and make a coffee or pour a wine then come back and look as you sip. I've had several volunteers look at the series that these are part of. They have all come up with different images although there have been some similarities too. Imagine one of these hanging on the wall in our study or where you work on your interest. Would it stimulate you? Bring new ideas to your work?  

Or have you tried painting? 

Drawing and painting is like anything else. When you start the results can be diabolical. but practising you can achieve anything. They say if you read a book on a subject for an hour a day, after 3 months you will be considered and expert!! Same with art, you will improve. Why not give it a try! There is a wealth of free information, help and guidance on YouTube. Spend a few minutes every day for a week looking at some videos and you might be tempted. I'm looking forward and planning some Painting Experience days when guests can come along and spend 4 to 7 hours watching me and then having a go with the result being that all participants will go home with a beautiful large canvas painting they have produced. But we'll have to wait for an improvement in the Covid situation before then. Keep watching.

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Enjoy life. LIve for the moment and stay creative

Mike Leahy